For teddies use the standard teddy pattern from this web site, do not embellish the pattern with clothes or hair
For the teddies use bright colours and more than one colour
Do not use white as this is the colour of mourning in some cultures
You can make the faces in black and brown as well as light pink
Make the faces happy
Ensure the features are well sewn on and little fingers cannot get underneath
Make sure the teddies scarf is well sewn in at the back of the neck only so it can still be knotted and unknotted
Use BS1425/BS5822 stuffing to ensure it is safe
Stuff teddies well but do not over stuff, they need to be soft and cuddly but not so light the stuffing sinks to the bottom, as they will get lots of cuddles
Ensure all use ends of yarn are well tucked in and out of sight
If using pins when making up items ensure they are all removed when finished