You Will Need
Wool: Dble knitting. Bright colours , but no white. Any mix of colours/patterns/stripes
Needles: 10 & 8 or 31/4 & 4mm
Wool: Dble knitting. Bright colours , but no white. Any mix of colours/patterns/stripes
Needles: 10 & 8 or 31/4 & 4mm
Cast on 67 (71) sts using size 10 or 31/4mm needles. Work in K1.P1 rib for 1.5 inches.
Change to size 8 or 4mm needles and starting with a knit row, work in stocking stitch for
13.5inches ending with a purl row.
Continue in K.1. P.1 rib until work measures 14.5 inches from the beginning, ending with the wrong side.
Keeping the rib going, cast of 15(16) stitches at beg. of next two rows
Cast off rem 37(39) stitches very loosely in rib.
Using size 10 or 3¼ mm needles cast on 36 (38) sts and work in K1.P1. rib for 1.5inches.
Change to size 8 or 4mm needles and starting with knit row, continue in stocking stitch.
Increase 1stitch at each end of next and every following 3rd row until there are 66 (72) stitches. Continue without further increase until sleeve measures 8.5(10) inches from the beginning.
Cast off very loosely.
Sew the shoulders. Pin the centre of the top of the sleeves to the shoulder seams.
Sew the sleeve tops to the back and front of the jumper.
Finally stitch up the side & sleeve seams.
Pull on hats, scarves & mitts. Any pattern can be used. Double or chunky wool. All sizes needed up to 10years.
• If you have your own jumper pattern, this can also be used.