Designed by Ashley Palumbo
Skill level: Intermediate
One size
Finished Measurements
Approximately 2¾” wide x 3¾” high
1 ball each BERROCO BLACKSTONE TWEED (50 grs),
#2685 Log Cabin (MC) and #2601 Clover Honey
(CC1) and small amount #2658 Pitch (CC2) for face
Straight knitting needles, size 7 (4.50 mm) OR SIZE TO
16” length circular knitting needle, size 7 (4.50 mm)
1 st marker
Tapestry needle
Optional: 1” square piece of green felt and 3 small red
beads, sewing needle and thread or glue
18 sts and 25 rows = 4” in St st

With MC, cast on 9 sts. Work even in St st for 17 rows,
end on RS.
Row 18 (WS): P2tog, purl to last 2 sts, p2tog – 7 sts.
Row 19 (RS): K2tog, knit to last 2 sts, SSK – 5 sts.
Bind off purlwise.

With MC, cast on 7 sts. Work even in St st for 18 rows,
end on WS.
Row 19 (RS): K2tog, knit to last 2 sts, SSK – 5 sts.
Bind off purlwise.

With CC1, cast on 3 sts.
Row 1 (RS): K1, M1, k1, M1, k1 – 5 sts. (Purl 1 row,
knit 1 row) twice, end on RS.
Dec Row (WS): P2tog, p1, p2tog – 3 sts. Knit 1 row.
Inc Row (WS): P1, M1p, p1, M1p, p1 – 5 sts. Purl
1 row, knit 1 row, purl 1 row, end on RS. Bind off
purlwise, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Weave in all ends. Using long tail threaded into
tapestry needle, sew body to center of front with
cast-on edge of body 3 rows up from cast-on edge of
front. With CC2, embroider eyes and nose on body
using straight sts or satin st. (See diagram, next pg.)
Picot Edging: Hold back and front together with
WS facing each other. Using circular needle and MC,
beg at lower right edge, working through double
thickness of back and front, pick up and knit 18 sts
along right side, 5 sts across top, then 18 sts along
left side – 41 sts. This joins back and front together
and leaves bottom edge open. Turn.
Bind-Off Row (WS): * Using cable cast-on, cast on 2
sts, bind off 4 sts, leaving 1 st on RH needle. Rep from
* until all sts have been bound off. Fasten off last st.
Weave in remaining ends.
Optional: Cut out a small V in felt and sew or glue to
right edge of head as on photo. Sew or glue 3 small
beads on top of felt “leaves”.

Designed by Emily Nora O’Neil
Skill level: Intermediate
One size
Finished Measurements
Approximately 1½” wide x 2¾” high
1 ball BERROCO BLACKSTONE TWEED (50 grs), #2601
Clover Honey (MC)
1 ball BERROCO ANDEAN MIST (25 grs), #6301
Alpamayo (CC1)
1 hank BERROCO ULTRA ALPACA LIGHT (50 grs), #4201
Winter White (CC2)

One set (4) double pointed knitting needles (dpns),
size 7 (4.50 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
Crochet hook, size 3.50 mm (E)
1 st marker
Tapestry needle

11 sts and 26 rnds = 4” in St st with 1 strand each of
MC and CC1 held tog

With dpns, using 1 strand each of MC and CC1 held
tog, cast on 10 sts. Divide sts onto 3 needles, place
marker and join for working in the round. Knit 13
Dec Rnd: K2tog, k1, k2tog twice, k1, k2tog – 6 sts.
Break off yarn, leaving an 8” long end. Thread end
into tapestry needle and draw through all sts on
needles. Pull up tightly and secure, then fasten off.

With 2 dpns, using CC2, cast on 3 sts. Knit 1 row, purl
1 row, knit 1 row. Bind off purlwise. Sew face to body
just below top.

EARS (Make 2)
With crochet hook and CC2, ch 4. Sl st into 2nd ch
from hook, then into each remaining ch. Fasten off.
Sew one ear on each side of face.

LEGS (Make 4)
With crochet hook and CC2, ch 6. Sl st into 2nd ch
from hook, then into each remaining ch. Fasten off.
Sew 2 legs ½” apart and ½” below bottom of face.
Sew second pair of legs below first pair, ½” apart and
½” up from cast-on edge of body.

With crochet hook, using 1 strand each of MC and
CC1, join with a sl st in center of back, ½” up from
cast-on edge. Ch 4, sl st into 2nd ch from hook and
into remaining ch. Fasten off.

Weave in all ends.

Designed by Amy Christoffers
Skill level: Easy
One size
Finished Measurements
Approximately 1¾” wide x 3½” high

1 hank BERROCO ULTRA ALPACA (100 grs), #6201 Winter
White (MC) and a few yards each #6236 Chianti (CC1),
#62179 Melon Mix (CC2) and #6245 Pitch Black (CC3)
1 set (4) double pointed knitting needles (dpns), size
1 st marker
Tapestry needle

21 sts and 26 rnds = 4” in St st

With MC, cast on 18 sts. Divide sts evenly onto 3
dpns, place marker and join for working in the round.
Work even in St st (knit EVERY rnd) for 2”.
Dec Rnd: * K2tog, knit to end of needle, rep from *
around – 15 sts. Rep Dec Rnd 4 times more – 3 sts.
Break off yarn leaving a 6” long tail. Thread tail into
tapestry needle and draw through all sts on needles.
Pull up tightly and secure, then fasten off.

With 2 dpns and CC1, cast on 3 sts.
Row 1: Bind off 1 st, k1 – 2 sts.
Row 2: K1, k next st in front and back – 3 sts. Rep
Rows 1 and 2 twice more – 3 sts. Bind off. Sew comb

to top of body along the selvedge edge so that the
BO/inc sts are pointing up and the garter edge is
attached to the body. Weave in ends, anchoring
comb to the body at the same time.

Find the row of sts straight down from the comb.
Skip down 3 rows. With dpn, pick up next 4 sts in
that column (sts will be sideways to body). Join CC2
and knit 4.
Dec Row: Sl 1, k1, psso, knit to end – 3 sts. Rep Dec
row twice more – 1 st. Fasten off last st and weave in

With CC3 threaded on tapestry needle, embroider
eyes using French knots or satin st on each side of
beak, halfway between beak and comb.


beg: beginning
CC: contrasting color
cdd (centered double decrease): Slip 2 together,
knit 1, pass the 2 slipped stitches over.
cn: cable needle
cont: continue
dec: decrease
dpn: double pointed needles
est: established
inc: increase
K: knit
k tbl: knit through the back loop(s)
k2tog: Knit 2 stitches together
k3tog: Knit 3 stitches together
LH: left hand
MC: main color
M1: Pick up horizontal strand between stitch just
worked and next stitch from front to back, place on
left hand needle, knit this stitch through the back (1
stitch increased).
M1L: Work as for M1.
M1p: Pick up horizontal strand between stitch just
worked and next stitch from front to back, place on
left hand needle, purl this stitch through the back (1
stitch increased).
M1pL: Work as for M1p.
M1pR: Pick up horizontal strand between stitch just
worked and next stitch from back to front, place on
left hand needle, purl this stitch through the front (1
stitch increased).
M1R: Pick up horizontal strand between stitch just
worked and next stitch from back to front, place on
left hand needle, knit this stitch through the front (1
stitch increased).
p: purl
p tbl: purl through the back loop(s)
pat(s): pattern(s)
pm: place marker
psso: pass slip stitch over knit stitch
p2tog: purl 2 stitches together
p2sso: pass 2 slip stitches over knit stitch
p3tog: purl 3 stitches together
rem: remaining
rep: repeat
RH: right hand
rnd(s): round(s)
RS: right side
sl: slip
sm: slip marker
SSK: Slip 2 stitches knitwise, insert point of left hand
needle through fronts of these 2 stitches and knit 2
SSP: Slip 2 stitches knitwise, transfer these 2 stitches
back to left hand needle, purl 2 together through the
back loops.
st(s): stitch(es)
TBL: through back loop(s)
tog: together
WS: wrong side
wyib: with yarn in back
wyif: with yarn in front
yo: yarn over
end on WS: end having just completed a Wrong Side
end on RS: end having just completed a Right Side
STOCKINETTE ST (St st): Knit 1 row, purl 1 row
alternately when working on straight needles. The knit
side is the right side of work. Knit EVERY round when
working in the round on a circular needle.
Reverse St st (Rev St st): Purl 1 row, knit 1 row
alternately when working on straight needles. The purl
side is the right side of the work. Purl EVERY round
when working in the round on a circular needle.
GARTER ST: Knit EVERY row when working on
straight needles. Knit 1 round, purl 1 round when
working on a circular needle.
ch: chain
dc: double crochet
hdc: half double crochet
sc: single crochet
sl st: slip stitch
sp: space
tr: treble

Knitted Clown Hand Puppet


You will need: Oddments of double kitting wool, including white & colour suitable for hair, and 1 pair size 8 (4mm) needles.

Cast on 44 stitches; work 6 rows in rib.

Change colour & work 24 rows in stocking stitch in various striped wool.

Next row: Change colour wool & cast on 10 stitches.  Knit back 32 altogether, turn leaving remaining 22 stitches on a spare needle, cast on 10 stitches.  K4  P34  K4.

Continue for a further 6 rows remembering to knit the first & last 4 stitches on purl rows.

Cast off 12 sts.  Knit to end of row.

Cast off 12 stitches. Purl to end of row.

Slip these stitches onto a spare needle, & break off wool.

Rejoin wool to 22 sts on first spare needle, & work to match.

On last row, purl across the stitches left on the second needle, giving total of 36.

Join on white wool for face & K 18sts.  Join on colour for hair & K further 18 sts.  (Taking care to twist two yarns together at join.)

Work 10 more rows in stocking stitch, twisting yarns each time to avoid a hole.

Join on first colour for hat.

Work 2 rows garter stitch.

Next row: S1, K1, p.s.s.o. K14, K2 tog, S1, K1, p.s.s.o. K14, K2 tog.  Knit to end.

Next row purl.

Repeat these last two rows until 2 sts remain.  (The middle number of K’s will decrease each time.)

Cast off.

Embroider facial details on white piece of knitting using small stitches.

Sew up.  (Your imagination could come up with many variations…)

Teddy Bear Hand Puppet


You will need:  double knitting wool, No. 8 or 4mm needles, garter stitch throughout.

Cast on 18 stitches & knit for 4 inches.

Next row: cast n 10 stitches & knit to the end (28 stitches).

Next row: cast on 10 stitches & knit to the end (38 stitches).

Continue knitting for 1 inch.

Next row: cast off (loosely) 10 stitches & knit (28 sts) to the end of the row.

Next row: cast off (loosely) 10 stitches & knit (18 sts) to the end of the row.

Continue knitting  18 stitches for two & a half inches.

Cast off loosely leaving about 18 inches of wool for sewing up.

Knit 2 pieces the same & sew together, leaving the bottom open.

Turn right side out.


  1. Stitch 2 ears, by ‘pinching in’ the 2 top corners.
  2. With contrasting wool, stitch a nose, ‘smile’ & eyes, using small
  3. Make a scarf from a crocheted chain or plaited wool. Secure centre back to keep in place.

Elephant Hand Puppet


You will need:  Oddments of double knitting wool & 1 size 8 (4mm) circular needle or 1 pair No.8 (4mm) needles.

Cast on 44 sts & work 6 rows in rib.

Change colour & work 24 rows in stocking stitch in various striped wool.

*Next row: Change colour wool & cast on 10 sts.  Knit back 32 altogether; turn leaving remaining 22 sts on a spare needle (or slip them onto a length of wool & knot it loosely into a loop).

Cast on 10 sts.  K4, P34, K4.

Continue for a further 6 rows, remembering to knit the first & last 4 sts on purl rows.

Cast off 12 sts.  Knit to end of row.

Cast off 12 sts.  Purl to end of row.*

Change colour & work 4 rows in stocking stitch (18 sts).

Next row: K7, turn leaving remaining 11 sts on a wool loop.

Work 4 more rows in stocking stitch, ending with a knit row.

Slip sts onto a wool loop.

Trunk: Cast on 10 sts.  Work 4 rows in garter stitch.  Work 2 rows in stocking stitch.

7th row: Increase 1 st at each end of row.  Work 3 further rows in stocking stitch.

11th row: Increase 1 st at each end of row.  Work 5 further rows in stocking stitch.

17th row: Increase 1 st at each end of row.  Work 3 further rows in stocking stitch.

Cast off 5 sts.  Knit to end of row.

Cast off 5 sts.  Purl to end of row.

Slip remaining  6 sts onto a wool loop.

Sew up sides to form trunk.

Rejoin wool to the 11 sts.  Cast off 4 sts.  Knit to end of row.  Work 5 more rows in stocking stitch (last row purl).

Turn trunk right way out.  Sew into gap with the seam in the middle of the cast off sts & the 6 sts at the top.

Purl across the 6 trunk sts & the 7 saved sts of the face.

Next row: K7, slip 1, K1, pass slip st over, K2, K2 tog, K7.

Next row: P18.

**Next row: Slip 1, K1, pass slip st over, K14, K2 tog.

Next row: P16.

Next row: Slip 1, K1, pass slip st over, K12, K2 tog.

Next row: P14.

Next row: Slip 1, K1, pass slip st over, K10, K2tog.

Next row: P12

Next row: Slip 1, K1, pass slip st over, K8, K2 tog.

Next row: Slip 1, K1, pass slip st over, K6, K2 tog.

Next row: Slip 1, P1, pass slip st over, K4 K2 tog.

Cast off remaining 6sts**

Rejoin wool to 22 sts of body, work from * to *.

Change colour wool; work 12 rows in stocking stitch; work from ** to **.

Left ear: With knit side of the back of the head facing you, pick up & knit into 10 sts along the left side of the head, from row 5 to 14.  Work 2 rows in garter stitch (ending at the top).  (If preferred, the ears can be worked as separate pieces – cast on 10 sts.  Work 2 rows in garter stitch, ending at the top.)

Next row: (Knit) increase 1 st at each end of row.

Next row: K12.

Next row: (Knit) increase 1 st at each end of row.

Next row: K14.

Next row: Slip 1. K1, pass slip st over, knit to end, increase 1.

Next row: K14.

Next row: Slip 1, K1, pass slip st over, knit to end, increase 1.

Next row: K14.

Next row: Slip 1, K1, pass slip st over, K10, K2 tog.

Next row: K12.

Next row: Slip 1, K1, pass slip st over, K8, K2 tog.

Next row: K10.

Cast off.

 Right Ear: With the knit side of the back of the head facing you, pick up & knit into 10 sts along the right side of the head from row 14 to 4.  Work 2 rows in garter stitch (ending at the bottom).

Next row: (Knit) increase 1 st at each end of row.

Next row: K12.

Next row: (Knit) increase 1 st at each end of row.

Next row: K14.

Next row: Increase 1, knit, K2 tog at end.

Next row: K14.

Next row: Increase 1, knit, K2 tog at end.

Next row: K14.

Next row: Slip 1, K1, pass slip st over, K10, K2tog.

Next row: K12.

Next row: Slip 1, K1, pass slip st over, K8, K2 tog.

Next row: K10.

Cast off.